Creator God,
It is in You who we put our trust.
We call to you in the day and the night and we wonder if You are there
Don’t be far from us, Lord
We yearn for Your presence as we wander in the wilderness
We are weary, but we will not grow faint
We pray for those who wait:
for the lab results
the phone call
the job acceptance
on the mending of what is broken
for assurance in the midst of scarcity
on healing salve for wounded places.
Merciful God, hear our prayers
Hold us close, for it is as we wander that we feel Your presence
Deliver us from the wilderness and draw us to the land of the living
We pray for those who wait:
peace in the midst of calamity
comfort for the broken-hearted
a balm in Gilead for our weary souls
Hear our prayers, O God, and be merciful
Even as we journey through the wilderness, You are there with us
Bring us to a place of peace and strengthen us for the days ahead
Waiting is a hard place to be, yet it is You who waits with us
God of hope,
We are weary, but we will not grow faint
As You have journeyed with generations of wanderers, doubters, and broken-hearted believers, You carry on with us
It is in Your faithfulness, that You have claimed us as Your very own
As we go forth, send your Spirit upon us to empower us for the days ahead
Even as we wander, we praise the Holy Name of the one true God
It is in the Holy Name of the Triune God we pray